Put down the original painting and become a Buddha

The animator Arai and others believe that young animators will go this way:

  • As the original painter, I have forgotten the “pretend [beep——] period”.
  • Come to a responsible position such as painting supervision or performance, the “anger period” of low level of others and the industry’s unsatisfactory and angry.
  • Despair and enthusiasm.
  • The “bodhisattva period” that embraces everything and becomes tolerant to those around you.


The cartoonist Arima Taro said that the “common sense” of the otakus of different generations is different, and mentioned one thing: he has never seen the special photo “Iron Man Tiger VII”, but because he sang with older seniors With more K, I will sing the theme song of this work


The cartoonist Hirano Kenta said that in their generation, a thing called “Mad Tape” was very popular. It was a tape created by the Osaka University of the Arts by cutting and splicing animation songs and lines together. Later MAD videos The name also comes from this thing. People listened to this tape and remembered even the videos they haven’t seen


Comic artist Suzuki み そ revealed that e-book promotions often published by publishing houses regularly reduce even the royalties allocated by writers, so writers ca n’t make any money at all. However, when Amazon lowers its price, it will still pay royalties to the writers based on the original sales amount, and the cost of the promotion will be borne by Amazon. He hoped that the publishing house could use such determination to reduce prices


I think it ’s difficult for some strong men to ask publishers to use the standards of world-class giants ….

The “Girls of Light” series, as a series that challenged the traditional concept of gender from the very beginning, has attracted controversy almost every year. More radical viewers believe that the changes in the new work to reduce the melee component in fighting, the theme of parenting, and the use of musical instruments instead of weapons are compromising stereotypes and reversing history. Conservatives denounce the plot and lines in the work Private goods that force the producer values

And light novel writer Kasai Nobuyuki pointed out that with the continuation of the series, “The Beautiful Girl of Light”, “the protagonist is set to pink”, “long hair”, “the description of the battle becomes mild”, etc., in a sense, although It is a “regression”; but it is also because of these changes in these directions that they can achieve commercial success, allow the series to continue, and arrange bold plots and characters. Kasai hopes to be acclaimed and critical of these changes

Kasai believes that popular entertainment works always “offer the market” and “give new excitement” to offense and defense. If it is a child-oriented work, it is even more necessary to add “educational intentions”, “children’s own desires” and “parents’ requirements”, and constantly struggle

He often uses the status changes of “girl-oriented products” and “female characters” in the “Super Team” series as examples. And this year, women have been added to the main commercialized knight lineup. Whether this change will become customary or fruitless, will depend on market trials. And even if a female hero is not established, it does not mean that she will be out forever. Maybe she will try again in a few years. Being a commercial and entertainment work, being able to maintain such a fixed “gear” also means possessing such strengths

As long as you look at the team or Guangmei for a few years, you will understand that it is precisely because of the solid foundation of these series of people that they have been given great advantages, so that they dare to “adventure this year, if the audience does not accept, then return to the original The line will do. “ If you do it intermittently like the current Gundam series, it will be difficult to achieve this
