“JOJO’s Bizarre Adventure: The Wind of Gold” pushes eight characters to define the Seiko watch “The Show of the Magician” light novels, the seventeenth volume, released on October 19th – the Japanese magazine and the evil night version

This afternoon, I participated in a seminar about the possible potential and potential of domestic animated films. This year’s “Where” is too hot. It is already the second place in the history of Chinese film, and no one has thought of it. So this domestic animated film The question has been mentioned by everyone, and what can the success of “Where the Devil’s Angels Come into the World” bring to the industry? At the event, Shanghai Meiying Factory and Oriental DreamWorks introduced their new works, such as the beauty of the ink painting “The Impala Flying” and “The Flame Mountain of Sun Wukong” and the “OVER THE MOON” of Oriental DreamWorks. In the foreseeable future, many domestic animations will accept everyone’s simplicity on the big screen. Will the spring of Chinese animated films come?

“The Sorcerer” is the first TV animation of Jimmy’s life. It was broadcast on TV. At that time, I didn’t even know the concept of Japanese light novels. Last year, this one. The sale of the sixteenth curly hair of the work has become a hot event, because the last time the curly hair was sold was still in 2000

Seiko Watch is the representative of the Japanese watch industry. This time they and the just-completed animation “JOJO’s Bizarre Adventure: The Wind of Gold” launched the “Seiko 5 Sports” watch with eight characters. Seiko 5 Sports is Seiko. The watch’s casual style, the series was born in 1963, is Seiko’s first automatic date table, and the JOJO gold wind cooperation is the first release of the series in the era of the order, the price is 47,000 yen each, will be in 2019 Released on November 22


Bruno Bugarati.


特莉休 Unna.

Naranga Gilka.

Leo Apaki.

Pannacoda Fogo.


Disney’s streaming media platform, Disney+, is a highly anticipated service. In the past, the video website war in the Chinese market will be staged in the US this fall. Netflix, Amazon, HBO MAX and Disney, here is a copy. There will be resources for movies and TV shows on the Disney+ platform