“Resident Evil 2: Remastered Edition” graphic two-line full story flow strategy Raiders all collected true ending customs clearance

“resident Evil 2: Remastered Edition” graphic double-line full story flow strategy, full collection of true ending customs clearance (including “Lyon / Claire process” “B campaign true ending” “all collection position”). “Resident Evil 2: Remastered Edition” is a horror adventure game produced and released by Capcom. This HD remastered version will be built with the same engine RE Engine as Resident Evil 7 to make the classic survival horror game officially reborn. Create realistic horror with realistic and amazing visual effects and sound effects. The complete redo of Resident Evil 2 will bring a deeper narrative experience. A new over-the-shoulder perspective and modern operation support 4K. Classic fear, returning heavily

Key operation:

Move (menu interface up and down) – ASDW.

Run – Shift.

Aiming – Right mouse button.

Attack – left mouse button.

Interaction – F/Left mouse button.

Fill in the form – R.

Minor weapons – spaces.

Switch the ammunition type – E

Change weapons – 1, 2, 3, 4

Quick Steering – Q.

Reset perspective – Middle mouse button, Alt.

Pause menu – P

Map – M, Ctrl.

Item Bar – I, Tab.

OK (menu) – Space, F.

Back (menu) – Backspace, right mouse button.

Switch tabs (menu) – Q, E.

Switch categories (menu) – Z, C.

Reset (menu) – R

Zoom in/out – 3/1.

Mobile items (props box) – Shift.

Game interface analysis.

Game Main Menu: The

Game main menu has only two parts in the beginning of the story and options. When the game is played, the menu will have more “reward” options

Select the story, you can enter the game, including the choice of the campaign, the reading of the archive.In the

Option, you can adjust the settings for sound, image, language, and keys. In addition, the game comes with Simplified Chinese subtitles, and you can also choose the “Chinese version” voice story

Game interface analysis:

The game uses the “Aiming” + “Shooting” mode to have a cross-hair star in the center of the screen

The bottom right corner of the screen shows the clip/amload volume display

Close to the item, there will be an interactive button prompt, click on the interactive button, it will trigger the interaction of “pick up” or “browse”

Some interactive scenes need to hold down the interactive keys to store the interactive effects

Game Pause Menu


The map contains all the distribution of the floor, including the position of various doors. The blue door indicates that it can be peers, the red door indicates that it cannot pass or is temporarily unable to walk, and the crossed door indicates that it cannot pass

In addition, after maximizing the map, you can also see the distribution of items inside the map, provided that these items need to be discovered first

Character Bar:

1. Character weapon shortcuts.

You can quickly switch between battles by changing the weapon shortcut field

2. Role health status.

Health status is divided into green, yellow and red

Green is healthy. In normal difficulty mode, green can resist the bite of zombies below 2 times

Yellow is a warning state. In normal difficulty mode, it is generally resistant to zombie bites less than one time

Red is a dangerous state. In normal difficulty mode, it is generally at the lowest value of life and will not be able to withstand more damage

The character’s healthy color state can reflect the character’s current health status, but depending on the difficulty of the game, the number of damages the character will take will vary

Use a recovery herb or a first aid spray to improve your character’s health

3. Mission Objectives.

Shows what needs to be done next, which is the current task

4. Item Bar

The item bar can hold up to 8 items at the beginning, and the extra items will not be carried

You can use the inventory to investigate the status of items and make combinations (synthesis)

5. Introduction to the item.

Shows the details of the currently selected item in the item bar

Information Bar: The

Information bar can be displayed to get the items and files

There are some places in the game that require password puzzles. If you have forgotten the content prompts for important files, you can check them out here

In addition, here will also show the game experience that the character has already played, as well as some basic tutorials