there are mountains of Qingqiu, the country of Qingqiu, in the north, there are foxes, four feet and nine tails, its silver is like a baby, can eat people, and the eater is not jealous. This is the earliest record of the nine-tailed fox recorded in Shan Hai Jing. The white fox, the nine tails, the cannibalism and the ability to be human are the most intuitive impressions of the public on the nine-tailed fox. However, in the image of folk opera, the nine-tailed fox has combined with China’s “self-deprecating” Japan’s “Jade algae front” to become the image of a fascinating country, so that the modern words directly use the words “fox” to refer to the use of various Means seduce men’s “coquettish”, “sloating”, “shameless” women
Shan Hai Jing records that the picture of the Chinese fox demon is really a bit spicy.
However, the nine-tailed fox in “Shan Hai Jing” has nothing to do with charm. “Nanshan Jing” records the meaning of the translation of the vernacular: the country of Qingqiu has a fox and its tail, its voice is like a baby, can eat people, eat its meat, can not be evil spirits. Guo Wei said in the commentary: “Tai Ping is out of Rui.” It is also a symbol of auspiciousness. “Wei Shu” and so on have mentioned “the king is not in the color, then the nine-tailed fox to the”, “Wu Yue Chun Qiu” and it with the nine-tailed fox and the Western Queen Mother (first known as Shan Haijing) Dagu Zhishui Tushan female Linked together, it can be seen that it is not only auspicious, but even expensive. In the Han Dynasty portrait stone, the nine-tailed fox and the rabbit, the scorpion, and the three-footed scorpion were placed side by side with the Western Queen Mother, which was to show the auspiciousness and grandchildren

Anime “Foxboy Little Red Niang” Tushan family surname comes from this.
The visual image of the nine-tailed fox “Big Wave” from the beginning and the end of the novel “Feng Shen Yan Yi” written by Xu Zhonglin, a novelist of the Ming Dynasty novels, is firmly imprinted on the players. Below I will take you to check out the image of the nine-tailed fox game that most players know

The Golden Saint and the American Dusit Fan Fanji.
“League of Legends” nine-tailed foxes.
In the original game, the name of the raccoon Ahri, simply by the character design, the raccoon is a very orthodox nine-tailed fox, and can charm the enemy through the skill, as to why the charm of the female this is still ignored
In the early version of “League of Legends”, you can see a very interesting thing, the national costume and other server avatars are not the same!
The national costume A raccoon’s face resembles the whirlpool Naruto’s “beard” disappeared.
It is true that the understanding of the human form of the nine-tailed fox in China is generally derived from the “Feng Shen Yan” Su Shiji, and it is not different from everyone after the illusion. Suppose, if Su Shi had entered a palace with a row of beards on his face, it is estimated that he would be lucky not to be killed by a stick. Is there a chance to see Yu Wang? It can be seen that the nine-tailed fox in the eyes of Europeans and Americans is closer to the demon, compared to the Asian thinking nine-tailed fox is closer to people

lol A raccoon is also an important reason for the image to be deeply rooted in the hearts of the raccoon.
“胧村正” bow string leaves & 绀菊.
“胧村正” in the game plot, the male and female protagonists will have a fox demon, and most of the time is in the archive point as an NPC, occasionally encountered in the hot springs, that is, the legendary welfare!

Because Japan has a legend of jade algae since ancient times, the Japanese fox demon is also a female image.
The bowstring leaves are the foxes of Fushimi, and the ambassadors of Inari-Hyun-Ming who lent their strength to the knives of the knives. In order to realize the wishes of the village, the village’s demon knife was entrusted to the actor, and thus the actor Start this journey together
绀菊 is also a Fushimi fox demon, her former lover (male) is the heroine in the game. Even if the former lover (male) becomes a woman, she still does not change her admiration for the people of the past
Lights Miss Sister Yu Ju.
“The power of the world” God will blame himself.
The next step is to say that the orthodox appears in the game, that is, the image of the self-defense and the nine-tailed fox. In the “Power Royal World”, it is not only a very important NPC in the game story, but also through the player’s collection of fragments. God will become a savvy character. God’s system is one of the characteristics of “Yi Yu Tian Xia” gameplay. So far, there are three gods in the game; Erlang Shen Yang, with its easy to upgrade, high damage, and a wide range of skills to test the player’s favorite; Gao Fushuai God will change the image of Jiang Ziya, transforming into a white-aged image, transforming into a young man, attracting the attention of thousands of female players, and its powerful auxiliary gain skills make it one of the indispensable gods of the team; the most important thing is The first beauty of Fengshen is self-defeating, and the nine-tailed fox is incarnate. Its beautiful appearance hides the powerful and terrible explosive power, and many heroes fall down under its pomegranate skirt

The gods in the royal world will be very orthodox and Chinese.