Japan ’s failure has long been doomed, and geniuses and celebrities ca n’t do anything about it-“Archimedes Wars” live-action movie perception

This work has been downloaded before the Spring Festival, because the PV of this film has also been introduced in the Hexie Society. When you have the resources, you can come down and watch it. This movie is based on the change of World War II history. The supervising Yamazaki has previously made a World War II theme movie “Forever 0”. This work has a high box office and Abe also personally praised this movie. This “Archimedes Wars” focused on the controversy within the Japanese navy about making aircraft carriers or battleships before the attack on Pearl Harbor. Archimedes in the title is the scientist who said “I gave a fulcrum, we tilted the earth”. It was also said that he used a mirror to burn the invading enemy sailboat, which also refers to the hero is straight

The story adopts a flashback mode. The opening is the battle scene where Yamato was sunk. This is also the rendering of the war scene that Director Yamazaki is very good at.

Fifty-six Yamamoto, although we are a war criminal according to us, but in the eyes of many people in Japan, they are definitely their national heroes. As the once soldier who studied in the United States, he served as a military officer in the Japanese embassy in the United States Said that he is definitely a “comprehensive” soldier. As an officer who has drunk foreign ink, Yamamoto 56 has clearly realized that the trend of future naval warfare must be aircraft carriers as the mainstream. For this reason, he strongly advocates the manufacture of aircraft carriers in the battle for naval shipbuilding costs, while the other factions still have to use The battleships are the main ones. At the budget meeting, the battleship faction gave a cheaper construction cost than the aircraft carrier without a lot of weapons. So Yamamoto 56 wanted to find the other party ’s budget loophole. So the hero of the film appeared straight away. He is a genius mathematician and will soon go to Princeton to study in the United States to continue studying mathematics. As a result, Fifty-six Yamamoto avoided the war to make him change his mind to help him give the battleship Send “pick the wrong”


Mathematical genius Nao and Geisha.

Fifty-six Yamamoto visited the house.

Hamabe Miwa starred in the play as a mistress, Nao Nao is her tutor.


The first two thirds of the story are all about the story of how Naozhi learns and investigates shipbuilding from scratch, and is struggling to ask grandpa to tell grandma that the cost will be spent. As a result, at this time the budget meeting was advanced, so the genius suddenly had a whimsy and got along with a formula for making ship iron and production funds to fight the people of the battleship. Sure enough, this formula is very effective and will be continuously The result of entering the iron consumption of the two manufactured ships is consistent with the cost. Seeing that it is necessary to defeat the opponent with scientific justice, Pingshan Zhongdao sacrificed his god theory, that is, the actual cost of this battleship is double the quotation, but this is a method to confuse Britain and the United States and other major powers. Praise, saying that General Pingshan has a long-term vision…. Fifty-six Yamamoto and others looked brutal. But after seeing the design of the battleship Pingshan straight, he found that the design of the ship was defective. In the event of a strong wind in ten years, the bow and stern of the ship were too brittle and would crack! Pingshan immediately looked at the design drawings estimated by Zhizhi, and found that it was true, so he immediately admitted the mistake and withdrew his plan

Do n’t worry about the story here. Two months later, Hirayama and Yuzhi met again. Hirayama wanted to ask him to calculate the strength formula of the ship, because he still wanted to design the world ’s largest battleship for Japan. This is a bit suspicious, I finally shot your plan, you still asked me for a formula? Hirayama gave the reason that this country will inevitably embark on the path of war. If we fight against the United States, we will lose, or even die, but if we build a warship that can represent this country, it will not sink, then in war The sinking of this ship in the war will let the people know the horror of war and replace the demise of the country. As a result, Luo Zhi agreed with this view. A few years later, the Yamato battleship launched into the water, but Gao Zhi looked at this beautiful battleship but left tears

It is said that Yamato really became a battleship in the hearts of the Japanese, and even derived into many works after the war, although in World War II, Yamato and the subsequent Musashi were not much. In fact, if Yamato and Musashi were not established earlier, and more aircraft carriers were built, maybe the United States would not be so smooth in the middle and late stages of the Pacific War

In the story, Fifty-six Yamamoto is just a supporting role, but I personally feel that the portrayal is still quite successful, that is, a Japanese soldier in a contradiction, knowing that the national strength is like this, but once the wheel of war is launched, he can only do the duty of a soldier. Too. I personally feel that Supervisor Yamazaki will beautify the war more or less in his World War II-themed movies. In fact, I also understand that he is also a Japanese. This beautification is still acceptable. After all, the direction of the entire movie is still to stop the war. Anti-war-oriented, a little beautified, but also to save face for the film’s release in Japan

After watching this film, I decided to go to China’s money-sponsored “Decisive Battle Midway” … By the way, “Air Mother Ibuki” adapted from an overhead comic last year was actually released, but I didn’t find it for a long time. Movie resources