P.a.works, a well-known Japanese animation company, announced today that the original animation “Fariy gone” will be broadcast in April this year. Suzuki Kenichi will be the animation supervisor, and the light novelist Ten Characters will act as a script
“Fairy gone” tells the parasitic and animal body and contains special power. When transplanted to humans by surgery, humans can partially summon the fairy and use it as a weapon. Finally, this weapon is used for war. This kind of soldier is called “the enchantress.” After the war, these soldiers lost their goals and had to integrate into society. For the government, gangs and terrorist organizations, it has become a new destination for these soldiers
After nine years of the beginning of the story and the end of the war, the government established the department of Dorothya/Dorothea, the leader of the investigation of the crime of collecting goblin weapons. Maria/Maria is the newcomer to Dorothea. Although the war is over, the government still cannot stabilize social security, many crimes occur, and terrorists seek revenge. The goblin warriors seek their own justice for the mad wars of the past
Maria Noel’s hometown was burned in the war, she and her friend Veronica were the only survivors, but in the end she and Veronica (Veronica became a revenge) The assassin was separated and she was adopted by a hunter. She has a special ability to goblin, and the goblin transplant surgery can control the fairy
Mary’s goblin Ashclad can generate high heat from the hand to turn everything into ashes
Free Underbar, Commander of Dorothy 1, encouraged Maria to join Dorothea and work with her, the Double Sword Fairy Warrior during the War. Known as Red Hood, the goblin is a flexible warrior who can use his claws to attack his teeth, while still producing a sonic attack through howling
Veronica, Maria’s childhood playmate, became an orphan in the war and vowed to avenge Ray Thorn, whose betrayal caused the village to be destroyed. To this end, she learned fighting skills and eventually became a cold killer. Like Maria, she can control the fairy by surgery. Its goblin is Blood Daughter, which can enter the body and destroy the enemy through the damage caused by Veronica
【Production team】
Original: Five fairy scholars.
Supervisor: Suzuki Kenichi.
Series Composition・Script: Ten words green.
People set the original case・The original case of the fairy: Nakata Haru.
Character setting: Shimizu Takako.
Music score: (K) NoW_NAME.
Animation: P.A.WORKS.
[Voice vocal].
Maria Noel: Cityノ濑加那.
Free Underbar: 前野智昭.
Veronica Thorn: Feng Yongli.
Ulfran Low: 细谷佳正