Forgotten 20 DC characters!

With the first season of Arrow, CW’s expanding Arrowverse was aired at the end of 2012. Since then, Arrowverse has launched three reality shows: Flash, Supergirl and DC’s legendary tomorrow. Another person will soon enter the family because Kate Kane/Batgirl is getting her own solo series, starring Ruby Rose. Since many of these programs run simultaneously and share the same universe, there is a large amount of knowledge that needs to be tracked. People, places, background stories, etc. can all be lost or forgotten in battle. This is especially true because each of the four series has something happening at the same time. Put time travel, multiverse and magic into the mix, and grow wildly
Similarly, there are still many things to keep up with. Every aspect of Arrowverse has a fascinating quality, but characters and events come and go. Sometimes come and go without a big fanfare, so you need to recognize the role that many fans may have forgotten. Heroes and villains that have not been seen for many years, many of which disappeared after the first or second season of the show. At the same time, the other characters in one of the series rarely appear to be surprising when they finally return. In the list below, these roles are recognized as deserved. This includes heroes and villains who used to be the cornerstone of some Arrowverse shows, as well as those who are just but influential, weekly villains

Bizarro Supergirl boarded Supergirl’s pilot season in an episode called “Bizarro”. Bat, she is very attractive. Lord Maxwell basically created her, took the body of the inpatient and experimented with her. Once Bizarro turns into a Supergirl-like character, Lord will send her after Supergirl. Through brainwashing, he almost succeeded in having Bizarro kill the daughter of steel
The last time I saw it, Bizarro was placed in a medically induced coma by DEO. Supergirl promised to wake her up when the time came. Unfortunately, it seems that time will not come soon. Since the first season, Bizarro has not even mentioned so much. It wouldn’t be surprising if her introduction to the series had opened the eyes of fans
19. American Judicial Association.

The end of the first season of “Tomorrow’s Legend” teased many new members of the American Judicial Association on Arrowverse. In the months following the premiere, Hourman’s appearance in the last episode raised expectations and interest in the second season. Unfortunately, in addition to Amaya / Vixen, JSA did not persist
In addition to some rough mentions other than Amaya, older hero teams rarely grow up in conversations. Even in the team’s short program, they rarely have a lot of work to do. Therefore, there are not many unforgettable moments that will put them at the forefront of the audience
18. Linda Park.

Although she is a girlfriend of Wally West in history, Linda Park’s debut in The Flash’s first season is a love for Barry Allen. This version of Linda is an interesting addition to the actor and is a sports writer for local newspapers in the Central City. The dynamics between her and Barry, her self-confidence and embarrassment immediately attracted her, and remains one of the most romantic relationships of the show. However, their short-term alliance has many shortcomings
In a few episodes, Linda ended their romance, citing Barry’s over-emphasizing love for Iris as a key issue. Due to the smooth relationship between WestAllen, Linda’s dumping of Speedster is not frustrating. But it is still a good thing to see her returning to a certain identity
17. Harley Quinn

Harley Quinn’s introduction in Arrow’s second season immediately sparked excitement. At the time, the suicide squad had proved very suitable for this show. Therefore, Harry will only be the best way to enhance the interests of a particular story. As the story suggests, Suicide Squad’s eponymous live-action movie prevented Arrow’s creative team from further pursuing the task force or Harley
So, it’s no surprise that this beloved character is now just a reminder of a possible thing. In view of what has happened since the brief appearance of the second season, Harry has hardly been remembered, and there is hardly any shock and awe

Now that Supergirl is entering the fourth round, Red Tornado seems to be just a flash in the radar of Girl of Steel. She fought with the robot early in the first season of the show, sending him in an episode – “Red Face.” As a villain of the villain, he did not receive any attention in the first season of the series
The character did not return until the episode of the “Earth-X crisis” that occurred in Supergirl’s third season. However, it seems that his version is an Earth-X iteration, more advanced than Supergirl did in National City. Considering that the red tornado has evolved into a hero in comics and other cross-media performances, unfortunately, he is just a once-and-for-all arrow enemy

In any other program, “Star City 2046” will be remembered as a series of highlights, how wild it is. Since the wild side of tomorrow’s legend appears in every episode, TV at this particular moment is still a forgotten gem. In this episode, the legend goes to the future of dystopia. Green Arrow has retired and became the security guard of Star City, replacing John Daygall’s son Connor Hawk
Connor Hawke seems to be the perfect hero in his short time on the screen, the perfect blend of his father and Queen Oliver. Since then, the role has not received as much as mentioned. If he returns to Arrowverse again, it will be surprising

Lisa Snart / Golden Glider has very few roles in The Flash, but since she is the sister of Leonard Snart, she has played in the first two seasons. However, the lack of substance in this role is a shame because she has established an interesting connection with Cisco. In addition, the brothers and sisters between Golden Glider and Captain Cold are full of energy and fascination
As far as I know, she is still alive and may not have given up her life. If she returns to The Flash, then considering Captain Cold’s death in tomorrow’s legend, it will be an interesting roller coaster ride for her and TeamFlash. Considering that no one seems to be begging her to return, the Golden Glider may still be one of the long-lost opponents of the show
13. Firefly.

Garfield Lynns’ Arrowage debut took place in the early first season of Arrow, during the “Burned” period. The tragic background story of the character made him one of the most attractive villains in the series. However, the status of Firefly as a one-time enemy ensures that he will not occupy a comfortable position on any of the favorite Arrowverse villains
Unless the barry tears the timeline again, the fireflies will appear on different planets, otherwise he is unlikely to return to the team. It is undeniable that his absence from this series has not been completely lost. Even in comics, fireflies are a small role in the grand plan. However, it is unbelievable to see the story of this interesting character more fulfilling

The Super Girl moved from CBS to CW after the test season and changed the show in countless ways. Since the location was changed from Los Angeles to Vancouver, most of the second actors were lost, one of which was Lois Lane’s little sister Lucy Lane
Although her appearance on the show was limited at first, because she had relegated to James Olsen’s love interest, Lucy would eventually enter her own ranks. Similar to the most famous Lane sisters, Lucy’s motivation and determination have moved most of her roles forward. She became stronger in DEO and became a confidant of the steel girl. Sadly, it seems that this role will not be explored further
11. Ballistic.

The Flash brings a new speedster to Arrowverse every season, and the second-year work of this show may be highly anticipated for launching Zoom. However, there is another accelerator to join the battle – the trajectory. In the episode after her change of self, Eliza Harmon tried to use speed boosting. Velocity 9. It is dangerous to consume it, but it does provide speed capability for users in a short time
Trajectory is described as a villain, causing serious damage to the central city, trying to get more material. In the end, The Flash beat her, but she did have a lasting impact on the series – Jesse Quick’s suit design apparently came from Trajectory

Dollmaker is a very standard comic book for an opponent of the Self-Defense Force. He is a very strange criminal of MO, he turned young women into a doll-like image and proved to be a very difficult enemy for the second season’s Arrows. Despite this, Dollmaker’s horrific rule lasted only one episode
Because he was thrown by Canary’s hand at the end of the episode, Dollmaker never had a reason to mention it further. However, in the comics, he does have family members to follow him. It seems unlikely that anyone will appear. So remember that the fascinating narratives and high stakes that villains bring must now be done
9. Indigo.

Indigo, also known as Brainiac-8, proved the challenge to Supergirl in the second half of the first season of the show. Supergirl’s comet capabilities are sometimes not comparable to Indigo’s technology-based power. However, eventually won the battle
Considering the history of Braniac and Superman, it is hard to imagine a Coluan that can be forgotten. However, for some reason, Indigo does not seem to be considered one of Supergirl’s unforgettable villains. Maybe it’s because it feels like she has never existed. After the program was transferred to CW, most of the knowledge established during the first season was never officially reintroduced. Those events are still canons, but Supergirl itself ignores these things

Pied Piper appeared in the first season of The Flash for a short time and then returned briefly in the second quarter. As an old colleague of Caitlin and Cisco, and a disciple of Harrison Well, this villain proved the match of Team Flash. At first glance, his ability to manipulate sound waves does not seem to be a force to be reckoned with. However, combining Pied Piper’s sound technology with his shackles, he is more deadly than he looks
Unfortunately, this character has not been heard since his short second season return. Considering that time has passed, it is interesting to see the growth of this character. Since the weekly villain type rarely happens again, Pied Piper’s team post-Flash adventure may still be a mystery
7. Clock king.

Clock King was originally launched as a villain in the second season of Arrow. Time-obsessed enemies returned in the first game of The Flash, connecting the two shows in an interesting way. Although his actions made him particularly eye-catching, the heartbreaking story of the King of the Clock is also worthy of attention
This villain can be considered the protagonist of his own story. Perhaps to some extent, it is fair to regard him as an anti-hero. The clock king himself is terminally ill. However, his main goal is to get enough money for the treatment of his sick sister. Yes, his behavior is a criminal act, but this did not make Clock King’s motivation less admirable
6. Silver BANSHEE.

Siobhan Smythe is a more interesting recurring character of Supergirl, although it only starred for a few episodes of the show’s pilot season. Her evolution as an excessively ambitious assistant to Cat Grant into the evil silver banshee remains a compelling aspect of the series. The arc of the character is organic in its development. She came here as a new assistant who tried to impress Cat Grant, but her desire to move fast led her to ruin her career
Siobhan is the perfect foil for Supergirl. However, her vicious silver banshee personality did not cause much excitement. So far, this villain has only appeared since the show was transferred to CW. This is a shame. Silver Banshee will bring an interesting recurring role to Captain Cold or Damien Darhk

Simon Stagg is not a famous name in the DC universe, but he is an indispensable figure for other big names. For example, the collaboration between Rex Mason and Simon Stagg eventually led to the transformation of Rex into Metamorpho. Of course, this won’t happen on The Flash, but Stagg’s technology company in the central city of Stagg Industries did create a villain
At the end of his episode, the first season of “the fastest man is alive”, Stagg fell in the hands of Harrison Wells. Stagg’s death was the most disappointing because it meant that Metamorpho was unlikely to make its debut in Arrowverse. The absence of Stagg also increased the tendency for franchises to kill important DC scientists too early – others include Dr. Anthony Ivo and Dr. TO Morrow

Anthony Ivo may not be particularly famous, but the character-centric work of the character can be immediately identified. His most remarkable scientific achievement is Amazo, a robot that can harness the power of other superpowers. Surprisingly, Amazo has not appeared in any of the Arrowverse series. Interestingly, Arrow’s second season is the only season in Ivo that does have an incredible Easter egg. The boat at Ivo Pier near Lianyu is called “Amazo”
Similar to his comics, this version of Ivo is a scientist. In order to save his wife’s life, he tested Mirakuru, a substance responsible for the death charge. It is too bad for the arrow to limit the use of Ivo to a storyline
3. Parasite.

During the “change”, the parasite debuted in the early second year of Supergirl. Rudy Jones is a scientist working in the Arctic, his team is in contact with exotic parasites. When Supergirl and DEO arrived at the scene, it was too late. Except for Rudy himself, everyone in the Rudy crew was gone. After returning to the National City, scientists began to appear symptoms caused by parasites, because it was brought to his body
This is an interesting episode, and the parasite will definitely become a powerful villain. As one of Superman’s more fascinating enemies, the parasite brings an interesting dynamic to the legend of Supergirl. Sadly, he did not persist. But he did return to the Valentine’s Day episode, where Mr. Mxyzptlk summoned him to attract Kara

Despite being known as the drool of The Flash, Captain Digger Harkness / Boomerang of Arrowverse appeared on Arrow. However, the crossover series allowed him to play against Scarlet Speedster. Regardless of his characteristics, everyone may agree that Captain Boomerang is underutilized. Can his limited appearance be related to the movie of the real suicide squad? This is possible
Unfortunately, the pass of the villain in Arrow’s fifth season ended that he would not return. However, Arrowverse occasionally reintroduces characters through multiverse or time travel. Maybe we haven’t seen the last one of this Flash enemy. But if this infamous thief is really over, then he has never had a chance to shine, which is a shame

Lagerman joined the Arrows team at the beginning of the fifth season of the Arrow. It is undeniable that he is a strange addition, but it works in most cases. In the final game of the middle of the season, Lagerman left the team. His reasoning? The suit he used with some kind of mysterious power was damaged after using it to absorb the big bang. Since then, the hero has left. Obviously, no one has ever heard of him
If the fans forget Lagerman, it is because his teammates have done the same thing. No one mentioned him, even recalling his heroic deeds in the short time he spent on the team. In this regard, Lagerman’s absence from the show was very sad