The series of historical animation series, headed by the first and second singer Xiong Cangyixiong, the third period of Jijisan, the fourth period of the Worry Group, the fifth period of Quan Gumao, The50kaitenz, this issue of the sixth Then it is the turn of the contemporary song prince Glacier Kiyoshi, and the arrangement is played by Tanaka, the master of the animated music industry. Tanaka Fair In the past, although I have participated in the “Dragon Ball”, “Galaxy Railway 999”, “Mobile Gundam G Gundam” and other representative animation works in Japan, I have not received the “Gig Taro” The work, this time can arrange for this song “ゲゲゲの鬼太郎”, Tanaka feels very honored, natural Tanaka is also a true “Ghost Taro fans”, has been watching from the first animation. When I was watching with my wife, Tanaka’s wife asked, “Is there a problem with the horror film on the early morning of Sunday?” Retorted, “Isn’t it officially done to take care of the bigger children?” And Tanaka also feels that the role of a cat is very cute, not to mention the children, and I really want to see it all the time